Friday, February 27, 2015

Bed Area 2

Here is the first bed area wall installed. This wall helps define the southwest corner at the foot of the bed.

The second wall is at the head of the bed. It also defines the very narrow closet that will be behind the head of the bed. The closet will hold my table and chairs. Since the back end of the closet would be inaccessible from the closet door end, I have other plans for the space. Part of the wall is purposely short so I will be able to install bookshelves up between the loft joists and over the head of the bed. I will leave the lower part of the back end of the closet accessible from under the bed.

I was working on the third and final bed area wall when I had to quit early. My drill/driver's battery completely died. I've ordered some new batteries, and I hope to finish up the third wall over the weekend.

Also see:
Bed Area 1
Bed Area 3

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