Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Wiser Woman Would Just Get a Massage

Some other (healthier?) person whose personal life had suddenly turned to *&#! would go get a massage, take a vacation, drink, eat chocolate, go dancing, spend time with friends. What do I do? Move more snow!

By way of explanation, suffice it to say that I mistook myself for someone who has a love life. Thwap! Take that, you fool! Ouch. Okay, okay, I stand corrected.

Yesterday was cold but sunny, so I worked out my frustration by removing the remaining snow from the JayBee. It was more than three feet deep in the valleys on the north side of the roof, with another 10-18" snowstorm on the way.

Much better (even if I did drop my phone into the snow, causing the next couple of images to be quite blurry).

Unfortunately, the snow is now up onto the housewrap along the north side of the JayBee. Guess some serious landscaping is in order for this next summer.

After the snow removal, I worked with a storypole to try to figure out the exposure I will use when installing shingles. All I figured out is that 5" won't work.

Today, the new snowstorm has already begun. That didn't stop me from wrestling with more snow. I got this much of the shop uncovered. Couldn't pull off more snow because the extended pole on the roof rake hits the garage when I pull the snow off the edge. I haven't allowed anyone to walk on this part of the roof for years; it's not strong enough for that.

The JayBee already has a new layer of snow collecting on it. I should have just had a massage instead. Off to stain more shingles...

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