Thursday, November 20, 2014

Trim and Ventilation 5

With no tarp hanging over the east end of the JayBee anymore, the roof of the east end bumpout was exposed. I decided I needed to get that tiny roof covered. First step: get the trim installed around the bumpout.

Here is the inside trim installed. I cut the pieces one day, stained all the pieces inside the house that night, and then installed them the next day.

Here is the external trim installed.

Yesterday I read a dramatic/disturbing/great blog post about properly ventilating a tiny house. (Sure makes me glad I hung in there with how long it took me to drill all those ventilation holes.) I included a link to Ella's Little Yellow Door blog in my blog's Resources/Links section because I followed her entire tiny house build and I love her writing, her bravery, and her honesty. I really recommend that you read her latest post; it's quite sobering.

Also see:

Trim and Ventilation 1
Trim and Ventilation 2
Trim and Ventilation 3
Trim and Ventilation 4

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