Monday, March 26, 2018

Clothes Closet Shelf

I decided to add a shelf to the bottom of the east section of the clothes closet. Remember, this section will pivot open as a unit. If I want to keep things on the floor of the closet and don't want those things to scatter every time I open the closet, I will need a shelf to put them on.

I started by added a cross piece to the bottom.

Then, after much fussing and futzing, I added a shelf.

I am happy with the results!

On a completely different note...

After not seeing any cows at the neighboring farm all winter, they are back outside again. As they walked along this fence looking for something to eat, their feet crunched loudly through the ice and snow.

Three of them here among the trees.

These three cows on top of the hill were fiercely butting heads and pushing each other backwards. At first I thought it was some kind of testosterone-driven springtime male head-butting thing; then it occurred to me maybe they were just fighting over the one small patch of grass they'd unearthed.

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