Friday, October 30, 2015

East Awning Window

Well, I changed my mind. That's nothing new, of course. All this time I have waited on installing the awning windows because I thought I should get the roofing installed on the bumpouts first. This all has to do with the fact that there is so little clearance between the sill of these windows and the roofs on the bumpouts. While preparing the opening for the east end awning window, however, I decided that the windows should get installed before the roofing. So--here it is! The east end awning window installed.

In all of the 24 years I have lived here, my pear trees have never produced more than a bunch of scrawny deformed pears--only good for feeding the deer. This year, I have so many substantially-sized pears, I am making delicious pear sauce from the crop!

I caught the October supermoon before the sky turned dark.

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