Thursday, January 22, 2015

Entryway 8

A number of people have contacted me to ask if everything is okay since I haven't posted in awhile. Everything is fine. During the near-zero and below-zero weather days, I worked on downsizing inside the old house. I got rid of a bunch more stuff--through Freecycle and trips to Goodwill. I opened up access to the fuse panel in the old house should the electrician call to say he is ready to implement the next step on the electrical system for the JayBee. (Haven't heard from him yet.) I also treated myself to some play time--catching up with friends and such.

When the weather turned more moderate, I did some work on the exterior of the entryway. Removed the tarp.

Added some flashing and re-installed the floorboards.

There was so much wind during last Sunday's torrential rain that every window in the JayBee was covered with drops afterwards--even with the large roof overhangs on all sides.

Installed a bunch of trim boards.

Up in the ceiling of the entryway...

Also see:
Entryway 1
Entryway 2
Entryway 3
Entryway 4
Entryway 5
Entryway 6
Entryway 7

Miscellaneous photos from the last few weeks. Snowy view out the JayBee's east end. I was trying (unsuccessfully) to capture the snowflakes as they fell.

Bright moon reflecting off the ice in the river.

The cats have been suffering from severe cabin fever. One night, when I went to figure out what was making all the thumping sounds in the bathtub, I found Bear in there. I guess he dances when he's behind the shower curtain; whenever I attempt to peek at him, he stops and acts all innocent. "Who, me? Oh nothing."

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