Monday, December 15, 2014

Roofing 8

We have been having mostly horrendous weather for the last two weeks. Rain, tiny hail pellets, freezing rain, snow, drizzle, around and around, over and over again. On the rare occasion that the sun showed itself, the roof of the JayBee was covered in ice.

Check out this coating of ice that I had to chip off the car...

...and the pile of ice chunks I had to shovel up afterwards.

It stayed cold enough that the river was nearly frozen over.

Today was exciting. The sun was out, the ice was off the roof. Yes!

I got things set up for installing the last piece of drip edge on the southern side of the roof.

Here's the current view from the JayBee's door. It has warmed up enough that the river opened up again.

Took me all day and many more trips up and down the ladders than I will ever admit to, but I got it installed!

Southern drip edge is all done.

Also see:
Roofing 1
Roofing 2
Roofing 3
Roofing 4
Roofing 5
Roofing 6
Roofing 7
Roofing 9
Roofing 10
Roofing 11
Roofing 12
Roofing 13
Roofing 14
Roofing 15
Roofing 16
Roofing 17

Here are some random photos from the last few weeks.

Here's a Where's Waldo moment: Can you find at least four turkeys?

Does anyone else think of the movie The Birds and cringe like I do when near a scene like this?

Before I got the tree skirt on, the cats kept chasing each other around the base of the tree.

Doesn't it seem like the gulls' butts and feet would freeze to the river?

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